How to Create Habits the Right Way

Andor Nagy
2 min readOct 10, 2020

If you want to make a change in the world, start by making your bed each morning.

You probably heard this a lot… but let me explain.

Many people are so focused on helping others, and changing the world that they forget about themselves…

And after a while, as they keep pushing themselves down your priority list, they’ll burn out, and give up.

What can you do about this?

Make yourself a priority.

If you can’t help yourself, how are you going to help others?

You probably heard that successful people have good habits right? That’s true.

But not all of them had all those when they started.

They developed them.

They started small and in time built new habits that got them where they are now.

The best thing you can do if you want to develop new habits is to create routines.

Small tasks that you do daily. That’s where the making your bed comes in.

Try to prepare your bags and clothes for the next day before you go to bed. And make your bed after you wake up.

And notice after a few days, you’ll see a big difference in the mood of how you wake up and start your day. Why?

Because by making your bed, you accomplished one of your daily tasks. And this gives you that feeling of accomplishment, a small win as the first thing you wake up.

And when you start your day positively, the whole day changes.

And by doing these, you’ll develop a habit, of making your bed and preparing your clothes and bag for the next day.

It’s the same principle that applies to create any habit.

It’s like goals, you break big ones down into small tasks.

But here you break the habit down into small tasks and routines.

For example, if you want to get into daily writing. You don’t just wake up each day and write. Because in most cases you won’t know what to write about.

What you do instead is braindump a few ideas the day before, before you go to bed, and while you sleep, you’ll most likely think about those ideas.

And when u wake up, you’ll have ideas to expand on. You won’t have what’s called a writer’s block, of “Oh.. what do I write about?”

Because that’s what kills your habit before you even started.

So if you want to create a new habit in your life, break it down into small routines you can do daily, and notice how after a few weeks you’ll do those things without thinking about them.



Andor Nagy

I help #Entrepreneurs get past the “I don’t know anything” wall.