Andor Nagy
2 min readJul 31, 2019


😭I tried it and it didn’t work! 😠

You failed? It didn’t work?


Those people you see that have cool cars, travel and have huge mansions, didn’t get there in one day.

Overnight success doesn’t exist. Well, maybe there are cases when you hit the jackpot so to say, but that’s 1 to 1 million or more.

They failed too! At least a hundred times or more! But guess what?

They didn’t give up… they capt adjusting their path and trying again. And adjusting and trying again.

If they fell down, they got up and moved forward.

If something didn’t work, they adjusted or tried something else.

Remember what Thomas Edison said?

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” This is one of my favorite quotes.

What I want you to take away from all this above… is that FAILING IS OKAY!

In fact, it’s NECESSARY to achieve success.

Ever heard of the saying, “Fail your way to success”? It’s true.

But it only works, if you look at failures as stepping stones for your staircase to success.

✔️ If you get up, if you fall down, and you move forward.

⛔ If you look at failures as the end, and you stack them on your back, like weight, you’ll always be demotivated and you will never achieve success.

❓ So my question to you is… What will it be?

- Will you get up if you fall down? Or you’ll stay down on the ground?
- Will you build a staircase that will elevate you to your goals, or will you stack them on your back to push you down to the ground?



Andor Nagy

I help #Entrepreneurs get past the “I don’t know anything” wall.