Make Something Today, Even If It Sucks!

Andor Nagy
3 min readMay 9, 2021
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Yesterday, I was watching a few videos from Emma Blacker on youtube.

If you don’t know who she is, you should check her youtube channel out. Besides her great music, she has some general talk/tips videos about everyday life.

PS: Huge thanks to my friend Lisa for introducing her music to me!

One of the videos I watched was titled, “Tricks to Defeat the Creative Blocks”

In the video, she mentions a poster that her friend has on the wall, that says “Make something today, even if it sucks!” and talks about the meaning behind it. ( You should watch the video! Highly recommend. )

And she touches on a great point in my opinion when she says “Who said what you create always has to be great” And that got me thinking…

As I heard this concept before, from Russell Brunson, in a different way.

I don’t recall the exact way he phrased it but, in short, it was something along the lines of, ‘Don’t way for people to show up and then start creating, start creating and the RIGHT people will show up.”

I know these two things might not look like they are related but they are. Because, for most people, including me, the creative block is 95% based on a judgment from other people.

“What will they say about it”
“What will they think about me if I do xyz”
“What if it’s not gonna work?”
“What if they are not gonna like it…”
“What if.. what if, what if..”

Sounds familiar? Thought so…

But guess what?

It doesn’t matter what they think. And at first, none’s there anyways. And that’s OKAY! Because as you progress, the right people will show up for you.

And it’s OKAY to be bad at doing something.

What matters is that you started, and you created a ground-level for yourself, from where you can start to improve.

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt that you can do it and that you can improve.

You started, so you know what to improve on.

And what’s the best way to get better and more confident in doing something? Repetition.

Your first drawing will be ugly. Maybe worse than a 5-year-olds drawing. But that’s okay!

Your next one will be better, the next might be a bit worse, and then another decent one.

And then, you reach your 50th or 100th drawing, and it’s a masterpiece!

But think about it for a moment…

How would have you gotten to create your masterpiece, if you never started in the first place?

It’ll take time, yes, and there’ll be obstacles, no matter what field you are in. But with consistency, you’ll be able to crush those obstacles and make your way through.

Anyways, enough rambling from me for today haha. I highly recommend you go and watch Emma’s video about this, you might find something you’ve needed to hear, to defeat that block :)



Andor Nagy

I help #Entrepreneurs get past the “I don’t know anything” wall.