The Who, Where and What of Me, Andor Nagy

Andor Nagy
3 min readJul 15, 2019

So as a first post, I thought It’d be best to introduce myself. Who I am, where I’m coming from and where I’m going.

My name is Andor Nagy, and I’ve been in the online marketing world for quite a while now. I made my first 100$ with a Minecraft Mod review blog, which was back when Google AdSense sent out payments via paper checks.

After the Minecraft blog, I started to get into WordPress and Web Development, so I started a blog on that. I ran that one for a long time, made over $2k in 1 and a half year with AdSense on it, but I didn’t really care that much about the money, I did it for fun. I enjoyed experimenting with WP plugins, themes and so on.

My lifetime Google AdSense Earnings

A year into this, as I was reading other blogs in this niche, I started to think about, how are people actually making a living off this? There must be a lot more than just running Google AdSense on your site. And that’s where I was introduced to Affiliate Marketing.⠀

After reading up on what affiliate marketing is, I found out that many of the plugins/themes I actually used had affiliate programs, so I signed up and changed my strategy and started to include plugin and theme reviews alongside my tutorials, and guess what? Some people bought what I recommended!

I made a few hundred bucks with that too. Nothing serious, but enough to make me believe that it is actually possible to make a living online, doing what you love.

Around a year ago, I sold the blog for $1,8k and invest the money to learn more about affiliate marketing. Sadly, most of the courses I got didn’t really get me anything. But that didn’t stop me from pushing forward and trying new things.

Fast forward to a year ago, I found ClickFunnels. And that’s where things changed. What @russellbrundson teaches is gold. Recently I enrolled in the One Funnel Away Challenge, and it changed my life. It changed how I look at things and seeing opportunities instead of obstacles.

As for where I’m going, my goal is to be able to help other entrepreneurs get to the other side of the “I don’t know anything” wall, and start their online journey about something they actually enjoy doing. As WordPress and Web Development was and kind of still is for me.

So if you’re interested in where I’m going, and want to tag along, Feel free to follow me! The journey is a lot more fun with others than alone.

You can follow me on Instagram @theandornagy or on Facebook /andornagydotcom



Andor Nagy

I help #Entrepreneurs get past the “I don’t know anything” wall.